Online Women’s Circle

It is amazing how much we learn when in relationship with other people. Whether that is with family & friends, an intimate partner, or a sisterhood.

Dear Sacred Soul Sister

You are invited you to come and connect with a conscious circle of women.
Take a moment to pause, step away from all the daily demands upon your time and feel the embrace and warmth of our community.

The ancient tradition of women's circles offers an opportunity to talk and listen as an act of sisterhood.

Inviting you to connect with the natural world, each other and your feminine essence. This soul nourishing gathering is a sacred, safe space where we can learn, grow and blossom together.

Are you looking for a deeper level of connection?
Would you like to feel the support of a like-minded community?
Are you ready to feel rested, rejuvenated and revitalised?

You are a unique and powerful woman. It is your time to shine.


Open to all.  £13

Soul Sister Sacredcircle

Join an intimate group of soul sisters.
Learn, love & grow together in community.