Join an intimate group of soul sisters.
Gather together in Sisterhood.

Learn, love & grow together in community.
Honouring the natural cycles of life.


It’s amazing how much we learn when in relationship with others.
Whether that’s with family & friends, an intimate partner, or a sisterhood.

Dear Sacred Soul Sister,

You are invited you to come and connect with a conscious circle of women.
Take a moment to pause, step away from all the daily demands upon your time
and feel the embrace and warmth of our community.

The ancient tradition of women's circles offers an opportunity
to talk and listen as an act of sisterhood.

Inviting you to connect with the natural world, each other and your feminine essence.
This soul nourishing gathering is a sacred, safe space where we can learn,
grow and blossom together.

Are you looking for a deeper level of connection?
Would you like to feel the support of a like-minded community?
Are you ready to feel rested, rejuvenated and revitalised?

You are a unique and powerful woman. It is your time to shine.



To be honest she is more my kick up the bum!!! My sister is the one who finally helped me get up and running with our Soul Sister - Women’s Circles. And now she runs one in Tadworth, whilst I run one in Godalming.

*See at the end of this page for bookings.

Sophie Noskey-Beard, my sister. Now known as Sophie Beard (her married name), she will always be a Noske at heart!

As children we used to fight a lot. It began with her ganging up against me in the street, so I used to run indoors and stay with my mum. Even though I am older than her, she still acts like she is the eldest. Over the years I became stronger. There came a time where I would fight back, and eventually I beat her a few times. It all usually ended in tears. My mum separating us and putting us in different rooms.

Throughout our childhood my mother would always say “You might not like each other now, but you will always love each other”. This ‘mantra’ that my mum used to always repeat again and again must have soaked in over the years.

Time apart when I left home for college and our growing years of life experience and self mastery meant that when we came together we fought less and less. Eventually we actually became friends.

Now my sister and I are Soul Sisters as well as blood sisters! Don’t get me wrong, we still face challenges, have our differences and all the other stuff life throws at you. However, due to our continued effort to learn, grow and blossom we are able to work through these differences and choose LOVE over being right.




Our Mother is our wise woman.

All our friends always wanted to come and spend time with and speak with our mother. She is accepting of all people, she has a warm heart and much wisdom to share.

Our ancestors are in our blood and in our thoughts and deeds. They are where we come from and eventually where we will return to. It is important to learn from their mistakes and their triumphs.

Soul Sister - Women’s Circles would not exist without her.

Take a moment to pause….


As a family we love being in nature and connecting with nature in many different ways. When we were little our mum would take us to a place called Headley. A beautiful heath where we could run for miles, climb trees and explore the pools of water with its many forms of life. One way we love to connect with nature now is through creating nature mandalas. Through things we find on the ground, flying through the wind and falling from the trees we create mandalas with our family and friends to celebrate the beauty and abundance that is everywhere to see.


Feedback from Our Soul Sisters ~ Sacred Circle Experience:

"I came to my first women's circle, not knowing what to expect. As we settled into our introductions and expectations, it was clear that we were
in a safe space, where we could be our complete authentic selves. There was no judgement; only support for whatever you chose to present. 

The evening unfolded with story-telling, cleansing, meditation and journalling and we all naturally began to open and bond through our shared
struggles and realities. There is something so powerful about the way women interact together in strength. We could see ourselves in each
others pain, humour, joy and honesty.  

By the close of the session as we made our final declarations, I was struck by how these women were all so able and willing to both support and
lift each other. To connect in such a way with complete strangers, and to feel such ease at sharing truth was indeed a profound experience.
I highly recommend giving yourself this gift and attending a women's circle - it's a special opportunity." 

  • I found yesterday's gathering enriching. It far exceeded my expectations. You are brilliant, engaging and spread love and passion with what you do.

    ~Soul Sister

  • Just wanted to say thank you so very much for holding such a beautiful and special space and such a meaningful evening.

    ~Soul Sister

  • I can't tell you how much I needed the connection I felt last night. It was truely magical.

    ~Soul Sister

  • A big thank you for last night. It was so uplifting and special. Everyone is just so lovely. I'm already looking forward to the next one.

    ~Soul Sister



MARCH 1st, Saturday, 7pm-9pm

MARCH 29th, Saturday, 7pm-9pm

APRIL 26th, Saturday, 7pm-9pm

MAY 24th, Saturday, 7pm-9pm

JUNE 28th, Saturday, 7pm-9pm

JULY 26th, Saturday, 7pm-9pm

AUGUST 23rd, Saturday, 7pm-9pm

SEPTEMBER 20th, Saturday, 7pm-9pm


Check out Surrey Holistic Centre, Godalming, the venue for our women’s Soul Sister Circles and extra information on current events: