“Sometimes it takes someone else to believe in you
before you can believe in yourself.”
~Juliette Noske
“I Choose To Believe In Myself”
Has anyone ever given you a compliment or said something nice about you - But
in that moment you are left thinking to yourself
“they can’t really be saying that about me, can they?”
Since I was a cute and chubby little baby, a dribbler too, my mum has always believed in me.
Often, she has said things about me that I found very hard to believe. This happened on many occasions throughout my life.
Someone would offer me a compliment about how I was or the work I did and I would walk away wondering
if they were really talking about me.
Eventually, over time, I began to recognise those qualities within myself.
With my developing self-awareness I started to realise that maybe I am kind, generous, organised and easy to talk to.
Sometimes it takes another person to see something in us before we can see it in ourselves. That’s my mum, she believe’s in me and she often sees things in me before I see them in myself.
There are other people too.
My sister is always by my side, supporting me and cheering me on.
When I get down and have moments of despair or hopelessness she picks me up and believes in me. She sees something in me that at that moment I am unable to.
Who are the people in your life that see all the wonderful things in you?
Honour them by recognising the beauty that they see in you.
Allow your self to start realising all the wonderful qualities within you.
“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”
~Norman Vincent Peale